
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Painting of Harry, 11x14 acrylic

$125 & S&H via Paypal
Not a 'Daily' painting here, but I've had it in my mind for a while to do this.. I just need to work on the fur a bit more, but this is SUCH a classic look from my lovable (to me) kitty, Harry.  His attitude is "We'll do things MY way..." and I love him so much I go for it every time!  He likes to lay on my FACE while I read at night.  (So, yes, here's a little struggle we have - I just need my EYES clear, you know?)  You may not understand our 'relationship', and think it's one-sided, but this kitty does not EAT if I'm away.  Not a bite.  For however long I'm gone.  (Which makes it really hard for me to leave, right?)  Anyway, I have no illusions that this will be in any of the upcoming shows, but it was in me, and I needed to do it!

*** I'm teaching a Beginner's Outdoor Painting Workshop May 19,20 and 21 in Humarock, MA.  Email me at for more information***


  1. I really need a proof reader- my last comment is so botched!
    I love Harry's picture and I can just see you trying to read.
    When I was a kid my cat( who looked JUST like Harry) would always sit on my homework. Maybe thats what I went to art school!

  2. What a beloved kitty and they do rule. I love the look on his face. Such devotion.

  3. Pat you sound like you have a cat... ;)
    Sal - see? That cat did you a FAVOR!

  4. love the eye's expression and I think its great that you captured your cat in paint! Funny story!

  5. Isn't it amazing how much love our pets give us and their special ways of showing it? Borders on divine-

  6. Harry is a very lucky cat and you for having such a wonderful kitty! They do rule the roost - such great personalities. Loved your story of trying to read! LOL

  7. Harry is lucky to have you as his mom. I have heard that pets find us - choose their mom's. Nice thought. I love my kitty so much! Still love your tulips from yesterday. So vibrant and springy!!

  8. Kelley, Thanks so much for dropping by my blog and for your sweet comments! Your work is beautiful!! I am a cat lover—I truly miss my 4 babies. One of mine was very attached to me—their different personalities amaze me.

  9. Afternoon Kelley,
    Great pic.....he has a child-like quality in my eyes. Looks so soft, too.

  10. What a sweet kitty. So glad you painted him! Harry just worships you...that's why he can't possibly let you read. It's a cat thing. I have 3 and not a cat in sight until I pull out a book or paper. Suddenly boom! 3 cats right on top of me and the paper.

  11. Harry is adorable, and sounds so cat like! I know how attached we get to our feline friends! We have Hercules! You and Harry make a great team!

  12. Hi Kelley-Katy (Perry) told me about your blog and I am so happy to be here--your paintings make me smile-a good, deep smile. Sending you my best. Mary Perry

  13. Hi Kelly - introduced to your work/blog through Pam C. Just love this particular painting and understand the relationship PURRFECTLY! My own Mr. Starbucks has a similar personality but only a special few can fully appreciate these felines!! Ginny


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