
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Memory, Oil, 10x10

Thinking of my Dad, who passed away 6 years ago this week, and I always like to associate Pussy Willows with him, and this time of year in general.  My son Conor made this wonderful vase with a blue glaze and a design left unglazed that looks 'wrapped around'.  A bit of a change from glass and ice, I'll tell you!
This is also not for sale, at least till after June....

And THANK you for all your comments - you really keep me going!
I'm taking Good Friday off, and I'll see you on Monday.  I hope if you celebrate a religious holiday this week, it's a good one, and you enjoy your family!


  1. Kelley, Beautiful painting, and it sounds like, beautiful memories of your dad. Best wishes for a happy Easter Sunday, and Good Friday, to you, and your family!

  2. I love this-
    the meaningfull ones really work.Always.

  3. Lovely elegant painting, Kelly! The muted colors are very suited to a memorial theme. Thinking of you!

  4. Lovely painting and nice memory. Hhave a nice Easter and I'm off also as family is here.

  5. kelly, i really like this painting. rich colors and a variety of brush strokes, from bold to soft. i found myself looking at it closely in every area. very nice feeling emanates. for your private collection, i hope.

    PS i think there may be a cat hair right in the middle? nice to know you have company while you paint.

  6. This is so beautiful, and what a beautiful story to go with it. How nice to have the 2 generations of your loved ones honored in one piece.

  7. Lovely post. Love how the pussy willows are painted - soft - and the colours in your branches are bang-on. Happy Easter Kelley.

  8. Beautiful painting on many levels and beautiful memories of your dad. Happy Easter!

  9. This is beautiful and very touching.

  10. Wow you nailed this one, the pussy willows are so well done. Isn't it funny hnw little things can hold such big memories. I sure hope you are not floating away, but your still posting so I'm thinking the means you are safe.

  11. This is lovely! I remember pussywillows from my childhood, and the memories seeing them brings. A wonderful tribute to your father :).

  12. Love the vase! Nice job -pussy willows are nostalgic of childhood for some reason - aren't they? Or maybe just for me. . . I always get so happy when I see them, same for milkweed. . . buttercups. . . and fluffy dandelions ready to be blown!

  13. Awww, how sweet, Kelley!

    I love how you keep incorporating your son's work into your own.

    Hope you had a nice Easter!


  14. Hi Kelley - love this painting - very soft - especially the blue vase - goes well with the background.


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