
Monday, February 15, 2010

Karin Jurick, 6x8 acrylic

Well, I hope you are all having a happy Valentine's day!  Today, I'm posting my contribution to a tribute to Karin Jurick, who has tirelessly organized and produced Different Strokes From Different Folks, which, I believe, is one of the first 'challenge' groups for painters.  After her December assignment, which was to produce a portrait of another painter that she randomly assigned, one of the painters decided to thank her by having everyone paint a photo of Karin!  She made them into a book and sent it to her.  The cat's out of the bag, now (horrible saying, I think), and it's safe to publish and talk about our portraits.  The whole kit and caboodle can be seen here.


  1. As I said before: it is raining Karins! It must be quite weird for her to see so many images of herself, but wow!!!!What a tribute! Kelley, I love the understated elegance in your is a quiet image and with the sepia tones has a timeless quality!

  2. Sorry about being so late in getting to this one, Kelly. Well done portrait! Love the subtleness of a sepia/conte colored portrait.


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