
Monday, February 15, 2010

Cat In A Box, 6x6 Acrylic

This is my boy cat, Harry, who had the idea that napping ON the cat food in the box would be  really great.  He kind of glowed orange and yellow, and it was fun to put the details on the Fancy Feast box.  I think I've got a good service to send out the posts to people's inboxes so I'll start uploading the emails from the group.  Till I can import their subscription box to my blog, just email me if you want to be put on the list.  Really, I'm hoping that happens within the week.  Thanks for your patience.


  1. Harry is so sweet and super smart!! Love the painting.
    I'm not sure what you're doing with the posts and emails but you can put me on the!

  2. beautiful painting! love the warm glow!

  3. You have such an eye for whimsical compositions. I believe you already have my email. I will resend if need be!

  4. I love it and it reminds me of my poor old girl who used to try to sleep in pans when I left them on the stove.

  5. Hi Kelley,
    I love this little painting, composition, color, everything; wonderful!

  6. HI Kelley, Harry sounds like such a sweetheart, very cat like! They love to perch in unusual places... AT least, I know, Hercules, our kitty does. Your painting captures that wonderful mystery of feline behavior! I love it. Great job on the Fancy Feast box, wonderful detail. Also, please sign me up for your new work, to go to my inbox, Thanks a million times for sjaring your beautiful paintings!

  7. Kelley - I love your blog! I have awarded the Sunshine Award to you! Please visit my blog to accept.

  8. Kelley I gave you 'the sunshine' award on my blog. Please watch the movie and claim your award! Love your paintings! Myra

  9. Oooh, kitty in box in sun: SO classic. Love it! And I see you don't cheap out in the kibbles department (like I do) Fancy Feast, huh? Ladeedah! (:

  10. Love the way you captured Harry's graceful feline shape with such quick strokes. Love the cat food box. Nothing subtle about Harry's Hints! Beautiful work, Kelley!

  11. This is a wonderul painting, Kelley!

    The composition is unique and playful.

    You can feel the cat being bathed in glowing sunlight!

    Great job with that!



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