
Sunday, January 31, 2010

What Laurel Said

In this exercise we 'massed in' our underpainting, after doing a small (see left hand side board divided by blue tape) prototype in dark neutral color, with linseed oil, just doing big shapes.

Then we gradually added the darker colors, keeping it loose...

and then the darker 'lights', like in the pitcher and the shadow..

A few of the 'lights' on the lighter sides of the flowers and the pitcher and the shadows on the white cloth...

Wrapping up with shape correction of the bunch of tulips, the interior light, the highlights on vase, flowers and tablecloth. At the very end I took out the 'light' on the far left tulip. Couldn't photograph that since I had to leave it in Austin because it was too wet. Amy will send it out when dry!


  1. Oh thank you for being so generous and sharing your in progress with us Kelley! I am always looking to learn and try new stuff!

  2. Kelley, You are so good about documenting your workshops, it is almost as good as being there. Thanks for all the effort it takes from all us out in cyberspace.

    This is great, I really love the highlights on the vase and cloth.

  3. Kelley, This painting was one of my favorites of the whole workshop. Just beautiful! You are so skilled in painting whites! I admire your willingness to take on these challenging paintings, and to make it all come together! It was so much fun to spend time together in Austin! So happy that we could all be there!

  4. What a wonderful painting! Thank you for sharing the process. I always enjoy learning something and with your photos and explanations it is easy to pick up something new. Love your blog!

  5. Hey Girl - So fun to read all about the workshop from your eyes. It could not have been more fun and I loved working with all of you! This painting turned out so great - I bet you are excited to get it home! Thank YOU for a wonderful time!!! XOXOXOX

  6. thanks!
    that really helps me a LOT
    you are so helpful to so many- thank you !
    BEAUTIFUL piece..xoxoxoxo

  7. Wonderful painting. And I was very close by to watch it all take shape. Love the final piece so much! Miss you!!

  8. Thanks for showing this from start to finish, Kelley!



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