
Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Vase with Tulips, 10x10, Acrylic

I don't know what it is about this time of year, but I HAVE to have flowers in the house. Just seeing them lifts my spirits and reminds me that it won't be 19 degrees forever. Although I have to say that Paco and I had a wonderful time at the little beach across the street today - there was no wind, and it was comfortable to sit at the edge of the water and meditate. (Well, I meditated, I am not sure that he actually did.) So when I came home I dove into the acrylics and did this BEFORE I head to the studio to do the oils!

I would also like to invite you all to see the Girls Just Wanna Paint Challenge, which is finally up for the month of December, with the topic of "Lamp, or Light". Page Railsback was the moderator and hostess of the gathering last night to view all these paintings in person - wow, they looked great! We missed Mary Sheehan Winn and Paula Villanova. And if any of you don't know, a 'Challenge' is where a group of artists decide to paint a different subject/topic each month, and the results are posted on a blog. We'd love your comments!


  1. Hey Kelley! You did an awesome job with this! I love the unique composition and the bold , confident brush strokes for the vase.

    Do more, do more!

  2. Love the pink and green, Kelley! Flowers help us make it through the cold, too, with the hope that Spring will come back!

  3. Beautiful color harmony. Pink and green. I also love to have flowers, as you know, white mums :D

  4. You totally nailed it Kelley! Good thing none of your critters ate the tulips!

  5. Wow, Sheila, thanks - I think I WILL! I hear you, Elizabeth! Mentally sending you white spider mums, Mary! And Amy - the tulips have to be high up on the mantle so Harry doesn't make a 'salad' out of them - even though we buy him greens!

  6. Jinx, Kelley! I have a very similar painting from a few years ago! (Great minds think alike!)Will post it on Fb for you! Your colours are more controlled as my work stem from my wild acrylic days!


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