
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Grampy Croft's Lunch Pail, 6x6 Oil

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I'm trying to get my 'Challenge' painting done before I go to Texas next week. See how I said 'next week'? Well, I accidently bought tickets and packed and loaded up the car this past Tuesday. Uh, oh. Saved by a phone call from my friend and hostess, Amy (who has a very cool blog, too). I called my other friend Debbi (also a cool blogger) to be SURE that Amy wasn't pulling my leg! Nope. So after treating my incredibly nice husband to a delicious dinner out, I came home and re-booked my plans for next week. *sigh*
Anyway, this month's 'challenge' is for us to paint something from our grandmother's kitchen. My grandmothers had been gone for over 25 years when I was born, so I 'borrowed' Tim's grandmother. This is her husband's lunch pail. I think he worked in one of the mills in Fall River, but I'm sure I'll be corrected if I am wrong! This one painted itself. I was outside with Paco. Almost serious. ;)

Below is a couple of photos from my workshop this past weekend at Oceanside 17. Really talented painters, they did a fabulous job in the small format.

And here is what's going through my head... foam. Like the bubbles that waves make when they reach the shore. These are oils, but I've been doing them in acrylic, too. Close ups on my Studio Blog. Also, Paco's blog is being updated!


  1. OMG Kelley I am positively swooning over this brilliant painting. LOVE, love, love it. Brushwork is dreamy and the composition is fab.

  2. Very cool lunch pail Kelley! I'm still laughing about your story!! Not so cool for you I'm sure but still funny!!

  3. YES! Right on, it SINGS ! I really love this, there's a freshness/deliberateness/directness to the strokes - the color palette is really great and helps to create an over all feeling - it evokes a mood - oh and the shadows? - LOVE THEM. . .

    (and of course the stripes - I'm very much into stripes right now).

    PAINT ON! Truly great. . .

  4. Love the bubble paintings. They are such fun.

    The lunch pail is really well done, Kelley. Seeing all the brush strokes is just fabulous.

    I am glad you had such a good workshop. Those were some lucky folks!

  5. I think the ladies before summed it all up for me. I love this painting. I think you should do more like these.

    Looking forward to seeing more of the foam series.
    Have a safe trip.

  6. Love the bubbles! And the lunch pail!

  7. Hello Kelley,
    This painting is just wonderful! Love the reference, but more importantly is the color palette--it is so nostalgic and soothing. Beautiful painterly brushstrokes and the cast shadow is a killer!!

  8. It is WONDERFUL! I am brainstorming to come up with something for this challenge as my 'vintage' stuff is in Marshfield ;)
    Congrats on your workshop. You ROCK!!

  9. Lovely enamel, Kelley. Super brushwork as usual. I have a very old three-tiered lunch pail set here. One can picture the farmer with his meat, veg and rice each in a little section.

  10. hi kelley!
    oh i love the lunch pail and the bubbles!
    what a fun story about your upcoming trip. :)

    your workshop looked like so much fun!

  11. I love that lunch pail, Kelley. I can see how it painted itself. Nice to see you today and meet PACO.....He is everything that is said about him....

  12. Kelly...this is outstanding work! Pulled up the larger version in order to really take in all those luscious brush strokes. Everything about this painting is superb! Love it!

    Love the bubbles too!

  13. Kelley!

    This looks great!

    I love the creams, off-whites, and soft peaches all working together here.

    A wonderfully detailed yet painterly little work of art!


  14. OMG, I can't believe you didn't believe me and called Debbi! You think I would pull your leg that hard, are you kidding me?

  15. This painting is beautiful and lush Kelley. The paint strokes are absolutely delicious! I also love the palette and the handling of the tablecloth. Nice work.

  16. Absolutely love the buttery paint application and the colors here. You are phenom., Kelley. Have fun in Texas !

  17. The lunch pail is fantastic..........great design and color!

  18. I absolutely LOVE this! It's perfect in every way.

  19. Kelley, This little painting has everything. You really nailed this one. I like your bubble series too, very fun.

  20. This is my favorite Kelley! I think it's one of your very best!


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