
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pepper Gymnasts, 6x6 Oil

I'm not going to say too much about these peppers, except that if I were to paint them again, the cloth I set them on would have more orange in it.
And below, a gift to my friends, a shot of last night's light... enjoy!


  1. I must say you do have the absolute best should have a "group paint" in your front yard some night. I would come for sure!

  2. I forgot to mention how neat it was that you stacked this painting over the sunset...........the subject so different and the colors so harmoniously similar.

  3. Kelley, I like the comment you got saying your paintings are buttery. I do love them, great color. Jeanne

  4. BEAUTIFULLY paintied, Kelley. Wonderful photo too.

  5. hi kelley!
    oh my gosh! i LOVE them!

    you did a fabulous job!

    the color palette matches your sunset! how perfect is that?

  6. Hi Kelley, thank you so much for all the nice comments you left on my blog. I really appreciate you taking the time to write. I'm glad you did because now I've found yours. Beautiful work!!!

  7. Kelley!

    You have the best backyard views! Can I move in with you?!

    BTW cute title for the bell peppers painting.



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