
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jelly, Jelly, Jelly, Oil, 6x6


I found this place called Supreme Donut ("Our name says it all" it says on the box.) in Seekonk, MA, and although they actually don't have very MANY donuts, their jellies are far superior to Dunkin or anyone else's I've found in terms of pillowy texture and drippy jelly (if you like that kind of stuff, which, ... I do when I'm painting them!). I was going for a 'monumental' feel in this little painting, and also a sort of empathy, which I was trying to achieve with loose brushstrokes. I know, empathy for what???? But that's what I was going for!


  1. I love this painting! The donuts look so incredibly realistic and delicious. You achieved both of your goals.

  2. oops, you may get this twice! : )

    Oh Kelley, NOM NOM NOM, as the puggies would say. this just makes my mouth water....what a luscious painting. xxooo

  3. Thank you guys so much! And yes, I was thinking and being inspired by Emily Eveleth. Someday I WILL study with her!

  4. Yummy! So nice to receive this early in the morning. Looks like you were up early "preparing" this dish for posting.

  5. Hi Kelley ... there you go again, with those beautiful, delicious donuts! I think this is the best one yet!

    (I feel a donut shop run coming on ... )

  6. The loose brushstrokes are great and really bring out that sense of texture. They immediately reminded me of Eveleth's work with donuts. I hope you do more of these!

  7. The frosting is really well painted.

  8. Kelley, They look scrumptious, good job. Jeanne

  9. I'm getting a sugar high just looking at this painting. You did a wonderful job.

  10. Wow, GREAT painting, Kelley! Ummmm, jelly donuts........

  11. Superb! You have excelled with this one. Colour, composition, texture....all stunning.

  12. Wow!!!! I would like to eat all of these! yum! I just love the scale of these "monumental" works!!! Way to go!

  13. Kelley!

    I think the stacked, messy composition just adds to the charm of this piece!

    Ooey and gooey and delicious!



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