
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Still Life With Wasp, Oil, 6x8

Go with the flow... this morning, after breakfast, I was enjoying looking at the leftover watermelon (I know - leftover WATERMELON?) in the sun, and I decided to paint the plate. As soon as I got set up this wasp or bee or whatever decided this would be HIS breakfast, and no amount of shooing would dissuade him. So... I stuck him in the painting (no, not literally). Such a glorious day, but it turned so windy that in the evening I had to hunt for this painting as it had blown off the front porch where I had left it to dry - it was face down in some grass, so IRL it has bits of fauna sticking to the paint! (which will just flake off when the paint is dry).

What was interesting to me was how light the sides of the melon were that were in the sun - mostly lighter than the plate, and all the colors in the shadow side of the fruit... as well as the plate.


  1. Funny post! Really like the color of the plate and those geometric shapes the shadows make. Nice job!

  2. Oh my god, you totally cracked me up.

  3. Kelley, having recently painted watermelon, I can appreciate how terrific this painting is! I just love it! The colors are super! The wasp, or whatever, is a nice touch! Great lights and darks

  4. Kelley, adding the wasp gave this such reality! I think it's those little touches that make a piece really stand out. I'm surprised Paco didn't help you clean up that watermelon.... : )

  5. I'm sorry to hear about the wasp taking over your watermelon setup, but I do like the addition!

  6. Kelley, I really like the composition of this but the most wonderful thing in it is the wasp and how the wasp is an integral part of the whole composition (yes, I'm sure it is a wasp and not a bee). Great colours in the shadows too. Glad you said the bits of grass etc. would drop off when the paint was dry - I didn't know that and have sometimes dropped a painting and tried cleaning it up when still wet. Disaster.

  7. lovely work Kelly and great blog, good to have found it:)r.

  8. Looks like you have a "mixed media" painting until the wasp goes away! Nice painting.

  9. You guys really lift my spirits! Rhonda, the wasp was on the real watermelon, I just painted one on my painting! ;)

    And Nancy, Paco's one thing he isn't interested in is watermelon. Now salmon is another story....

  10. Love the color and texture in this piece.


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