
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Off With His Head, 6x6 ) Oil

I had this gorgeous begonia (a different one, but same color as the last post) and I must have been a bit rough with it, because when I turned the light on the 'scene' and backed away - the whole 'head' of the flower fell off! This was try #2, the first was a wipe-off - I couldn't get the red to pop enough. This is better but still, not as 'zingy' as I'd wished. I 'grayed down' the aqua cloth, but I think maybe it should have been lighter, too. Ah, well, hopefully a summer full of begonias await.
Updating (finally) my studio blog and Paco's blog, too, of course!


  1. Love the title Kelley! It's perfect and the colors are very striking.

  2. Great composition and title, Kelley. I love the thick beautiful brushwork.

  3. oh my gosh kelley!
    i LOVE this painting! everything about it! uniques subject, color and texture!
    i just tried to post on paco's blog but the word verification screen would not post fully for me finish.
    i will try again later. :)


  4. My favorite thing about this is the wonderful thick paint and the yellow ground showing through. Love the composition and cropping. Great title too!


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