
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Demitasse, 6x6 Oil

This small cup & saucer was a gift from a good friend who visited and haunted the antique shops with me in Warren. I wanted to incorporate a ribbon, but I don't know if it was that successful. I spent so long looping, twisting, draping this foolish ribbon I probably should have left it out. I loved painting the translucent china (it's Limoges - my first!) and the beautiful flowers on it!


  1. This has such a wonderfully delicate feeling, Kelley. Love the soft palette. Took a look at the larger version and so glad I did because the paint strokes are just gorgeous!

  2. This is great. You really got the feeling of the china. Limoges was bombed in WW1, and pieces like this are priceless!

  3. It's just gorgeous, Kelly. I love limoge china - I have Bernadaud Chateaubriand andI always thought it too busy to paint but may try it now. Your colors are so soft and pleasing.

  4. Yes, I agree with Gwen, wonderful and delicate. Very sensitive and subtle handling of paint and values, fantastic job, Kelley!!

  5. The china is beautiful, I love the colors but for me, the ribbon isn't reading as a ribbon...I also know that paintings look a whole lot different in person than on our blogs but although the ribbon doesn't ruin the painting for me, it just isn't clear what it is....but, maybe that's me and it's late at night...and I don't have my glasses on...

  6. Kelley!

    This painting turned out so nice!

    Very soft and delicate and feminine looking.

    I agree about the ribbon. It could've been left out but doesn't detract from the painting either.

    Nice close-up shot of the cup and saucer too!



  7. Oh my goodness! This is one of my favorites! It's so soft and delicate! Beautiful!

  8. This is just beautiful. Such harmony in color. So delicate and quiet.

  9. Kelley, The translucent quality of the china really comes through!
    I imagine that must be challenging to paint all of the tiny details. Wonderful work.

  10. This is absolutely beautiful. I love your sensitive color palette and the delicate brushstrokes. Very well done!!

  11. Hey, Gwen, thank you so much. Pam - I love your comments, you always have something interesting to share! Oh, Debbi, please paint it! Thanks, Diane - you've been a busy painter! Yeah, Paula... you'll see a few more 'ribbon' paintings before I 'get it'. Thanks, Dean... you're so generous in your comments...

  12. Very beautiful and very elegant, Kelley. I also agree with Gwen - wonderful brushwork.

  13. What beautifully warm whites here!!


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