
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cumpcake, 6x6 Oil


Well, it looked a bit better BEFORE I dropped it and smashed it against the easel and had to repair it! When I was a little girl my best friend was this adorable little girl whose first language was Portuguese. She only spoke English at school, and for some reason she stuck 'm's in a lot of words, one I remember is 'cupcake'. She called them 'cumpcakes'. ;) Hey, she was little!

Anyway today was my first 'real' full day at the studio with Paco. All I can say is I STARTED putting paint on the panel at 4 p.m. There is a video and short take on Paco's Blog.


  1. Love this - it's just too fun! And yummy.

  2. This looks soooo yummy! love it! Did your little dog get a sample? :)

  3. It's Bee-yoo-ti-ful... no matter how you say it.

  4. This is awesome. I could eat it, right now. Love how the frosting really looks like frosting!

  5. Yum!! I'm starving and that looks good enough to eat right now!

  6. HA! Thanks you guys - the BETTER video is on my Facebook page - you are all welcome to see it! And to answer Sandra - Paco got no cupcake (he was so naughty!!!), but I did sample it and... well, it was totally worth it!

  7. This cupcake is great. Wonderful frosting whites!

  8. hi kelley!
    oh i LOVE your cumpcake!
    paco's blog is wonderful! I am going to feature it on my blog next week!

  9. I love your cumpcake! Looks good enought to eat!

  10. Looks good enough to eat. The brush strokes on the icing are so thick and luscious. Great job!


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