
Friday, April 24, 2009

New Parrsboro Sunset, 11x14, Acrylic

Well, I say it all the time but this looks better in person. I didn't do a small daily painting yesterday, but did try to work on this smalled version of a big oil (see my Studio Blog). You wouldn't believe, given the simplicity of the subject, how difficult it is. It so easily slips into being trite. Now... even if no one believes me, I have painted that magical night when the sky erupted into the most unbelievable colors - even I as a huge sunset fan - had never seen. This is acrylic, and I did many, many layers, and used lots of medium, and IRL it has a luminous quality (or maybe I'm just drinking my own kool-aid!).


  1. This is a beautiful sky, Kelley. Would the water be that light?

  2. hi kelley!
    oh it is magical!

  3. Yes, I agree whole heartedly, the pics never do the painting justice!
    Though this sky is simply luminous!

  4. wow it really washed out in the photo! in real life, the sky is luminous orange and pink/purple and the sea is more lavender...

  5. Love all the layers of blues/violets in the top part. And, I don't think it's necessary to change the background in the painting from the other day of the little girl. Even though you said it's a beach, it reads as a sidewalk, playground, etc. Especially since she's not in a bathing suit. It lets the viewer's imagination finish the story.

  6. I like it, and I was there!
    It was, indeed, the most ripping sunset. SO amazing.

  7. I think the magic of the scene is caught here for sure, and Yes if certainly believe you --- I am always amazed at how the digitals uner varied lighting can make a phot so incredibly different. I think I need a new digital camera...and will prob get one before our son's wedding this year! beautiful work and hope the sweet little puppy is doing well!!

  8. Beautiful, Kelley! I can totally imagine how radiant and luminous this looks in real life ... I love how the light works when you use layers of glazed color.
    I had a dream that we were back yard neighbors ... if that were the case in real life I’d pop over and scan this for you. Scans make a much truer image than photos. (Although with larger paintings like this you have to do it in sections and stick all the pieces together in Photoshop ... a pain, but worth it!)
    Of course if I was able to just pop over I'd have to spend about an hour or so playing with little Paco ...

  9. VERY beautiful, Kelley. I have something on my blog for you.

  10. I like this one, Kelley.

    If I could give one suggestion though.

    I love the light sky blue color of the water but I'm not so sure it matches the nighttime sky. Does this make sense?

    The sky looks like a night scene while the color of the water looks like something you'd see in the bright afternoon sun.

    Maybe if the water was dulled down a tad it would all match a bit more.

    Just a suggestion.


  11. Beautiful Kelley! The sky is stunning!
    What's up with that kool-aid? lol! I think I'm probably drinking the same stuff half the time....hee, hee!

  12. Kelley, I'm so used to loving your stills, but this is awesome. The colours are great.

  13. Beautiful, Kelley! It makes me want to visit! Just gorgeous colors! You are so talented with paintings of the sky, along with everything else!


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