
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fiesta Tea, 6x8 Oil

My mind's on other things today, and I only managed (barely) to get a Daily Painting done, and get to the gym. Other than that.... nada... And now that I SEE this posted I can see things that are 'off' and I wish I could fix, but I'm home from the studio so it'll have to wait. AND I added a better image to yesterday's post, so if you go to my blog you can see the better color on the newer glass of tea. Back to this one - I love mixing up Fiesta Ware, and for some reason this orange and seafoam mixture is appealing to me. I hate doing the elipses, but I make myself because it's good 'art exercise'. Anyway this missed the Tea Show, because the drop off was today (surprise! Maybe I should check my calendar more regularly!), and even yesterday's Daily Painting was too wet to put in :(


  1. Great reflection of the tea bag in the cup.

  2. I wish you didn't miss the show...I know the feeling all too well. I like both this and yesterday's paintings. This one is just really "comfortable" if that makes sense. This is one of my favorite styles of cup from which to drink tea or coffee.

  3. Another great painting Kelley!
    Yea, the second pic on yesterday's painting is better. I have this problem all the time. I've thought of purchasing good lighting and a better camera but I'm really not a photographer so I think I'd still have! Anyway, both these paintings are awesome!

  4. Love it!!! Nice color contast in the Fiesta plates.

  5. Too bad about missing the Tea show, this would have surely been a show stopper there!

  6. I think it looks great! I do that too--as I'm delivering a painting I see something that I didn't catch hmmmmm. . .

  7. This is an awesome painting!!!

  8. Thanks Pam and Amy. Funny... when I look at it all I can see are the things that are 'wrong' now!

  9. Very nice painting Kelley. I love the reflection of the tea tag in the cup.

  10. Kelley, I think that the elipses are fine, not to worry. It's interesting, but I think we are all more critical of our own work than we need to be. I know that I can get like this, especially, when I'm tired or have been painting too much. This is a charming painting, as always, that is beautifully done.

  11. Paula, I don't know why your comment is showing up second - I 'published' it AFTER my comment! Yeah, I love Fiesta cups for tea. I like the Harlequin, too.

  12. R and Sandra, you are so kind. Manon, I struggle daily with the photographs, and have gotten to a level, but need time to invest to get better - someday!

  13. Wow, the color is super on the reposted tea!

    Don't despair about missing a deadline... just keep painting because you love it. There will be many more opportunies to enter your work in shows and such. And I don't see anything wrong w/ the fiestaware painting.

    P.S. Thanks for the explanation of what that little "leaf" was!

  14. oh I like your blog.I like your art!

  15. Great cup of tea. Looks just like my cup. I've nominated you for an award. If you wish to participate, please go to my blog.


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