
Monday, March 16, 2009

Peel-A-Lemon, 6x8 Oil

Inspired by the blog posts I've seen recently of tangerines half-peeled, I wanted to do one today. Only I forgot my tangerine at home and only had lemons at the studio - SO! I put it in the Black Box, and had a really tough time with the fruit of the lemon (is it white? pale yellow? orange-y? greenish? YES!) But it was a fun exercise. I did a lot on my sky paintings from my studio blog. - and OH, I forgot to mention there, that this amazing artist, Thomas Sguoro, is just about BLIND - he has macular degeneration, and his vision is extremely limited now. So check it out again, and think - .... could I do that?


  1. You've captured the essence of this lemon, it's great hearing how you improvise when your original idea doesn't pan out. I especially like the curl in the peel.
    By the way , there's lots of peeled oranges out there but this is the first peeled lemon I've seen!

  2. Wonderful painting, Kelley! I love the color combo. Well done!

  3. This is fabulous!!!

  4. Kelley, I love the tranluscent quality of the lemon flesh and the all the colors inside the lemon skin! Really well done, can't beleive this is a first time effort.

  5. Wow Kelly not only do I love the painting of the lemon but the composition is exquisite.

  6. I think it's terrific Kelley! I might mention that I also love lemons! I'll throw a little salt on them and eat them like that! You seem to paint a lot of things I really like! : )

  7. The lemon looks really, really, real!

  8. Kelley your painting is lovely, your reflections are so nice!

  9. Hi Kelly, the link to the artist on this post takes one to another website, not what you may have intended? I love your work! I think the peeled lemon art is really a huge challenge, and your result is inspiring. Nice!

  10. Great job on representing these planes!

  11. Wow, you guys, thank you for all your positive comments! Sarah, that's my 'studio blog' where I post my larger works/thoughts on life/etc. Thomas's work is shown through really distorted photos that I took & neglected to edit!

  12. Unique composition with the lemon being unpeeled.

    I like all of the colors being snuck into the lemon (greens, oranges, and soft purples). It's not just yellow!

    Keep it up!



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