
Friday, February 6, 2009

Squashed Valentine, 6x6 Oil

A bit of glare on the background, for which I apologize. I specifically asked the donut girl to be careful, and put this baby in a box because I was going to paint it... and it got squashed anyway. No sense trying to hide it, so I let it be. Although I could have been happier with the red and white drizzles, I like the actual donut better than ones I've done in the past - I guess it comes with experience. It actually looks lots better than in this photo, don't know why I couldn't capture it.


  1. Squashed, or not, it made me want it!


  2. I like it squished. It's a donut with character!

  3. Beautiful job, Kelley! Mmmmmmm... squashed donut (gurgling noise).

  4. You really captured the yumminess of the donut! Now I feel like running out for donuts!

  5. good enough to eat! beautiful.

  6. This looks sooo yummy. I agree it's got character. Love this one.

  7. Wow - I was away from my computer for 24 hours - and made a LOT of people hungry! Thank you, everyone, for your comments - I'll try to stick to non-tempting subjects for a while! As an aside - fortunately when I arrived at the studio today, this donut was hard as a rock - no temptation there! :)

  8. I love how it's squashed, it makes it look very real! A few weeks ago I picked out a satsuma tangerine with leaves at the grocery store and told the guy to be careful to make sure he didn't make the leaves fall off when he scanned it, because I was going to paint it. He gave me a really weird look but complied.


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