
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wash, Trim and Blow Dry, Oil, 6x8

Waiting for their time in the ring, this Scottish Terrier and a little Norfolk Terrier are having their 'Spa Time'. The Norfolk had this 'do' where they combed his 'beard' out so it looked like a real beard! The Scottie said "No." to that. Maybe one more Dog Show painting?


  1. I really like the way you did the scottie in the background. Every little detail that tells me it's a scottie is there, great job

  2. GREAT FUN! Wonderful composition. Love it, more please!!

  3. this makes me think of how I had my 2 dogs groomed this week- they had to stand on the little table like good little showdogs - its a new place in Marshfield called "Doggie Stylin"
    the name of the place brings something else to mind(:
    she had a schnauzer on the table when I came- he was getting a brow trim
    What a fun gig!
    nice painting Kel-

  4. Your work makes the personalities of the dogs really come through. Fun and appealing!

  5. I love the dog paintings! I especially love the scottie, you've captured their essence.

  6. I love the dog shows. Compostions are great. I hope you paint more.

  7. This composition has a Japanese print quality to it. Beautiful painting Kelly.

  8. My favorite part of these dog pictures is the way they are so focused, but you feel the entire dogshow going on around these little lives. In addition to being technically excellent! Really awesome.

    one of these days you are going to have to have a show of these dog paintings - a dog show, if you will ;)

  9. Thanks you guys, I was afraid people might be getting sick of the Dog Show. :)

  10. I loved seeing the painting in person yesterday! Still think the guy on the right looks like my dog. Keep up the good work!

  11. I agree with Conor...these dogs are all business in getting their very important jobs done! Love the Scottie!

  12. Very nice one - I really like the different views of the dogs. Keep going with the dog show paintings -they're great!


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