
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Red Wine Vinegar Cruet, 6x6 Oil

Away from flowers for today, and on to food! This is one of my mother's cruets, which, though not expensive, mean a lot to me. So since the only salad dressings I like are home made, I'm planning on doing a series, red wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar, cider vinegar, and olive oil. I'm discovering the joy of painting glass, too. Don't worry, I'll mix it up with flowers & fruits & veggies, too. I think I could paint for 3 lifetimes at least and not run out of things I want to paint!

I spent today in Southie (South Boston) with Paula Villanova and Ros Farbush. I'll post that plein air piece on my Studio Blog. It's great to paint with Paula, always, and Ros, having celebrated her 80th birthday this year, gives me such hope - that loving painting can go on for a long time and bring a sparkle to our 'golden years'.


  1. this is really good. it looks like glass!!

  2. Ah, Pam, thanks so much for the support - I can't wait to see your own blog, or our Workshop Women blog!

  3. Kelley,
    I've never seen your work before...very nice and I think you paint glass pretty well also. I also love the texture in your work and a lot of your pieces really capture the essence of Carol Marine's work. My style of painting is completely opposite and I end up wishing I painted more loosely. Oh, well, is an artist ever truely happy with their own work? Take care!

  4. Hm...this is a pretty cruet and I swear food tastes better out of beautiful containers! You're really on a roll with glass! Painting in Southie was fun! We met some great dogs.

  5. Really good...Red my favorite!


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