
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lemons 1,2,3, Acrylic 6x6

Up at 5:15 a.m. because my orange kitty needed me to wash his face (I'm not kidding, I have to pretend I'm his mom and let him wet my thumb and run it all over his face and ears before he settles down), I couldn't get back to sleep.  So I came downstairs and saw 3 lemons in a blue bowl and said to myself "Might as well get the Daily Painting started...."  Of course after I painted them in a bowl I decided I'd rather use the fabric I got to take to Carol Marine's workshop next week (YAY!).  So I placed a small folded piece of the purple-y fabric on my stand and repainted it.  I have one HUGE lemon, one small lemon, and one teeny lemon.  Kind of like the 3 bears, only citrus-y. :)


  1. Love lemons. I love the fabric and the execution. Carol's workshop :D
    Can't wait to hear about it.

  2. Great lemons, Kelley, and the fabric colors make the whole thing lush! Hope you'll tell all about the workshop!

  3. Love these lemons. you have a great blog. I found it via Karen Jurik and the 'different strokes from different folks.

  4. This painting makes me wag my tail thump thump thump WOW! You're probably at the workshop now- you're going to have a blast.

  5. Oh these are beautiful!

    I had to laugh at the cat story. My sis has a cat Strider, who loves to have a warm wash cloth applied to his face at night, right before he goes to bed. I had never seen or heard anything like that before....until now!!! ha.


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