
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Scattered Blueberries, 6x6 Acrylic


So many things to paint for Daily Paintings.  I was a little 'stung' when a more accomplished local artist reviewed my work this Spring, and about the Daily Paintings she said "Food has been done and done.  It's old.  Thiebold had the last word on food.  You should do other things."  Well, I do other things, but the shapes of food, especially fruit, are a 'wonderland' to me.  People eat berries all the time, but when you really examine one, you find all sorts of patterns and reflective surfaces, as well as undercurrents of, for example, reds and greens in the blueberries.  So once again ignoring good advice, I set up a handful of blueberries this morning.  Here they are.


  1. You go, girl, it matters not a jot what others think! Personally, I love all your paintings, but especially the fruit, you have a way of making them all scrummy and delicious.

  2. I love your work, and the food is some of the best. What's not to like? The colors are yummy and your compositions are excellent. It's very inspiring!

  3. Hi Kelly,
    Super blueberries! Art critics, who needs them? Can you name one famous painter? Of course. But,can you name one famous art critic? Nuff said. We paint what we respond to.

  4. Well if that is true, then I don't havemuch chance as an artist. I do food all the time. But I do need to explore other things. Break the "rules", it's more fun, right?

  5. Yes, paint what you love, what speaks to you, what catches your eye and your brain.

    That seems so silly to tell you to paint something besides food because it's been done so much before. What hasn't?!

    Whatever the subject, you will paint in your own understanding, your own fascination with it, your own unique perspective into it.


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