
Friday, June 13, 2008


I have been painting daily, but things have not quite worked out this week.  Maybe it was the heat... maybe it was Harry the Cat running out of the rich, dark garden dirt and coming to a stop on TOP of my wet beach painting...  Who knows.   I'll post one later today.

In the meantime I got this piece "SUMMER HOMES" (20x24) accepted into the Cape cod Art Association National Juried Show.  It's been a tough Spring in terms of rejections, so this was doubly sweet.  The show opens on EITHER the 19th or the 20th.  The formal acceptance letter they sent me said Friday the 20th, their website says Thursday the 19th - I'll have to call to find out!


  1. YAY...I would love to go to this show and the Portsmouth show.

  2. When will the show be running? My husband and I are thinking of going to the Cape for a weekend. Neil and Karen Hollingsworth are having an opening reception July 26 and we would love to a weekend down there. If we can see your show too, that would be perfect!

  3. Hey Kelley, I have never seen this painting, I love it, great mood. You go girl, this is just the beginning, those galleries are going to begging you for your work. Also I really like the clams, something very abstract and organic about them, a series is called for, and don't be afraid to branch out and maybe try a quahog, they stay fresh longer.
    thanks for all your PR.

  4. YAY!!! See, it's so much sweeter when the hard work pays off :) :) :)

  5. This is a beautiful painting. I just saw it 'in person' and it's much more vibrant and colorful than this photo shows. Kind of like when you see paintings in books and you think they look great, then you see them in a museum and the full impact is much more.
    Nice one Kells!~


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