
Friday, May 2, 2008

Garlic Cloves, Acrylic 6x6

Sometimes I can only wonder at the things that occur at the easel.  If you compare this with my "Orphans' Day Out" on my studio blog you'll never believe they came out of the same studio.  I had every intention of proceeding in a loose, but controlled manner, when I started.  Then I just started slathering on the paint, layer after layer.  I started with a wet black canvas, and the black kept bleeding through and getting picked up by the brush, so I started gathering lots more paint and putting it on gingerly, then using the palette knife on the background.  Inspired by Carol Marine's garlic cloves of about a year ago, I guess I made a departure.  Oh well, this is what happened!
Also, as recommended by Katie May on the comments of yesterday's post, DO check out Ed Carson, a Massachusetts painter - very nice work!


  1. I LOVE this! its so tactile & expressive & textured. It also looks like it's tiny, very cool.

  2. This looks terrific...I've been reading your blog for awhile (envy your studio!) and your work is lovely. I really like the texture and colour of this piece.

  3. Colors are just great. So is the texture.


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