
Monday, April 21, 2008

An Apple A Day, 6x6 Oil

I tried looking down on this apple.  I was really into the varieties of reds in the shadow side.  Tried to keep it loose, and layered the background.  I was thinking I wanted to paint more food, but after this I think I'm going to look at flowers and birds again for a while.
The Monday Morning Painters, once again, were just Phyllis Adams and me - where are all you Fair Weather Artists who  - all winter - kept saying "TELL ME when and where you go out painting!"  Well, I'm telling, are you serious?


  1. I missed it again!!! no car this time. its went to the garage this morning!

  2. Thanks for your comment on my studio blog! That's just the kind of support I need to keep it going. I love your paintings. My friend Cindy's husband just announced while we were all on vacation with each other that he wanted to start a blog to feature his paintings. He's a newbie to painting but very enthusiastic. I will point him in your direction for inspiration.
    Keep up the beautiful work!


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