
Friday, January 18, 2008

This Is What I Do When I'm Bored....

Paint really bad self portraits!  Seriously I don't know what's up with me, I was all excited to go to Duxbury, MA to the Art Association to drop off paintings for their juried show (which I've only gotten into ONCE).  Then I came home and was all set to do a little daily painting, but instead I yanked out a 14x18 canvas and started a self portrait.  Guess I want to do more people, and don't have much luck getting friends and relatives to sit for me.  Also I know I won't get upset when I give myself weird lips or hair, and so I relax more.  This is my painting shirt that is known to some as my 'clown shirt', as it has lots of colors in it - actually I bought it for Tim and he took one look at it and said "I think you bought this for yourself..."  **grin** I guess I really did because I wear it ALL the time!  Any self portrait shows coming up?  I'm ready!

Isn't it funny how you always seem angry in self portraits?  I'm going to try try try to do a jolly one!


  1. BTW, I tagged you on my blog. Also go check out my Real Time visitor counter which has a world MAP on it. Click on it to get one for you.
    If this appears twice it's beacuse of those pesky letters I sometimes can't decipher!

  2. Great blog, enjoy it immensely, so much that I have started my own.
    Not much on it yet,
    Know what you mean about self portraits, check out mine at
    I'm not really so miserable.
    Happy painting, Kelley, keep them coming.

  3. I don't think you look angry; more of an intense concentration. I like it a lot.


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