
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Pomegranates, 6x8 Oil

The top one is from today, the bottom one from yesterday. I'd been itching to get back to Daily Paintings, and pomegranates are such a challenge because of the many different colors of red the skin has. THEN when you open them... there are more! I apologise for the bad cropping job, I'll try to clean them up later. I just loved spreading this creamy paint around, and liked the simple subject. This is one fruit that always reminds me of the holidays. Let's hope I don't delay savoring this treat till it's gone by - done that many times... :}


  1. Awesome brushwork on these, Kelley!

    Looks like you did some great work at your workshop in Arizona, too. I really enjoyed your updates ... sorry to hear about your ruined paintings ... I just hate that.

    Now that you're back I'm looking forward to more of your daily paintings. :)


  2. you never fail to find a fresh approach, every time I check in! these are awesome.


  3. I love your pomie paintings Kelley!


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