
Friday, November 23, 2007

It Happened In Hull, 6x6 Oil

This is a painting of a Hull sunset, for a nice woman who is commissioning a series. So this one is not for sale. Hull is one of those places where every night the sky is a brilliant illumination of a design that can only be Divinely created. Where I live now is a similar light - all reflected off the water, in color combinations that are jaw-dropping. In real life the water is a bit darker and richer, but as far as photos go, it's pretty good.


  1. Very nice! I was there yesterday, it looked just like this!

  2. Thank you, Joe! Everyone, check out Joe's blog! The link is on my blog - on the right side! Very cool!

  3. Wonderful!
    And I love Joe's blog.
    His drawing skills are incredible!


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