
Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Little Over The Top, Oil, 5x7

When you're stressed, you can't hide it. I've been avoiding Daily Painting lately because I knew they wouldn't be good. I've been frantically searching for a new studio, and I have a 'perimeter' in mind that I won't go beyond. It was so expensive (gas-wise) to commute to my old studio (which is still full of work and supplies) that I've decided to limit my distance to a 15 minute ride. Not much out there, but we were supposed to have access to our building till at least Nov. 1. Now I find out they've been breaking into our studios to see how far along we are in terms of moving out, and they expect us out SATURDAY. So here's my poor little ill-planned daily painting. 'Over the top' because that's where this rose is heading! I was more interested in the little vase, but still. Been painting plein air (see Studio Blog) when I'm not searching want ads, craigs' list and bulletin boards for studio space. (Whine, whine, whine, I know!) Anyway, I painted this little gal with paint all the way around the sides, so I can just hang a wire on the inside and it will lay flat against a wall, no need for a frame.
Oh, yes, and I am looking at studio space this afternoon (more than I wanted to pay, less than she wanted to get...) so wish me luck!


  1. hey Kel, i like this painting.
    Cant you take a room with a view in your house and make a studio?
    Anything in Fall River?

  2. Hang in there, Kelley!

    What about Debbie's suggestion of studio space in your house?
    pros: no commute time or expense, little overhead
    cons: distractions, but maybe you could figure out a way around that; Mary Engelbreit used to put a sign on the door of her home studio: "nobody gets in to see the wizard, not nobody, not nohow!"

    BTW, this is a lovely painting, nice and loose ... I love the shadow on the table, and the color of the bottle - have you ever tried putting a colored glass bottle like this on a windowsill and painting it backlit?

  3. At least you don't have your head in the sand like I have :(
    Anyway, the girl party pulled me out of it and today, after work, I went over to give the landlord the check and get a key. Took an alarm lesson etc..
    The painting is nice and you're DOING it. Thanks for the inspiration :X

  4. Thanks, guys! Right now (looked at space today - great size but had a electrical transformer IN the studio that hummed really loud... errrr, no...) I'll be in my dining room. Tim offered to give me the whole back of the house, but we DO need space to live! Worry not.. I will find something. Maybe this will just push me to move my ambitions up a litte...i.e. make $$$ to afford a nice space! Till I can get a shed built in the yard (oh, the bribes I'll have to pay to the Coastal Environmental Authority for THAT!). I love M. Engebreit's sign... may have to paint one for myself... :)

    OH, and Karen, you probably can't tell - this glass bottle is PAINTED! It's opaque, and I have a set of 5 (I know... why?) I couldn't resist because I thought they'd be great props, and because I love to cut flowers and bring them in the house! But now that you mention it, I really do need some nice colored CLEAR glass vases to paint, too!

  5. Oh, and Deb, I'm workin' the Fall River thing, too... I almost hit a car head on today craning my neck at what I thought was a 'possibility' on the other side of the road!!!

  6. I know it's not any closer to home but I'm pretty sure there's still some room in my building...the rent was surprisingly dealable....

  7. Thanks, Paula, I'm going to give it a 'look-see'. It has a couple of advantages (availability, $$$ and lots of artists), but it still would cost me about $16 a day to GO to it (plus a 2 hour commute total), so I'd have to factor that in... also MSW is looking at a spot in Brockton that actually looks nice.

  8. The place in Brockton looks's just too far for me but it may be a great option for you. I went to the Codman for one last glance this morning and was mad I forgot my studio key. I went in anyway and funny, no need for a more door OR walls...your studio is the one remaining island...I was pretty upset. I didn't have anything in there but since I was covered for rent through today, you would think it was my space right? MSW's space looks as lovely as ever, and I love the painting on her easel!

  9. :( I went over to the Codman today bringing Don with me for moral support. It was still taxing. We went down to your "Island" and roamed the building some. Ran into Debbie Ripley (Win's girlfriend) up in my corridor and mentioned that I'd be gone in a 'few weeks'. Just wanting to plant a seed should she be talking to him.I think I'm going to start going up in the later afternoon when the workers are gone to pack it up.
    Thanks Paula V for that comment on my studio. I'm going to miss it and the group feeling.
    Like Kelley, I plan to make this work for me.

  10. oh, and the paintings are just great Kelley.
    Sorry I missed the GPS Cape shindig. Thanks for thinking of me, XO.


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