Tim planted these gorgeous black irises (which I didn't want but now I LOVE) and I'm working on a 16x20 plein air painting (see bottom photo). Still have to work on the background and the leaves, but.... we cut one of the stems and put it in our kitchen (right near the sink where I clean my brushes, etc) and for the past couple of days I've been berating myself for being so SLOPPY with my paints, there have been drips of deep, deep violet on the counter and on things AROUND the counter - and I just found out that theses flowers DRIP some kind of painty/ink that looks and acts just like deep violet acrylic paint! WHO KNEW? So ... one less thing I can yell at myself about. These are amazing flowers that look black until the light hits them and then they have this magenta/violet that glows going on...
SO sorry about the lack of Daily Paintings... I'm getting ready for a Plein Air Show in Bristol at Gallery 297 (Opening July 7th... please, please come if you are in the area!) as well as my show at Westport Rivers Vineyard, local art competitions and my ANNIVERSARY TRIP to Paris (30th anniversary - yay!) with Tim! I'll be back on the Daily Painting Trail in July, I promise, promise, promise.