
Saturday, May 19, 2007

Chocomel, 6x6 Oil on Canvas

When we were visiting Holland, we went to a windmill park called Kinderdijk, a historical site that preserved these huge wooden windmills that drained the marshes. Needless to say it was very windy there, and painting plein air was a challenge! We found a semi-sheltered place at the snack bar patio which had a great view of the whole area, but we had to keep eating/drinking to keep our table, as busloads of tourists kept arriving! I decided to try Chocomel, their version of hot chocolate - YUM! They were not receptive to our purchasing the wonderful yellow cups, and I didn't feel like just taking it, but my NEXT trip to Holland I WILL bring one home!


  1. Too bad so many of the local art shows are missing out on your work Kells, but here in the blogosphere the show goes on!
    Another boffo painting with rich color and strong design.
    I'm going with you next time :D

  2. Hi Kelley, this painting is just yummy! i love that purple next to the yellow and the comp. rocks. nice.
    we should have a 'NE daily painter paintings' show! :D

  3. Debbie? Leslie? Mary? Who else is NE? That sounds cool!

  4. The NE Daily painters is something I've been thinking about and have mentioned in a post on Candy Barr's (how many jokes has she had to endure?) site.
    She's in Vermont.
    Todd Bonita is in New Hampshire and Candy is in Vermont, we need Connecticut and Maine represented. I also thought about contacting American Artist with this idea. What do you think?
    I don't remember which Mag printed the story about Duane Keiser last September but the Blogosphere rocks.
    We'll have our own damn show :D

  5. Mary I think its a great idea. We should all brainstorm and get something going by fall.


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