
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Party Shoes, 5x7 oil on board

This painting was inspired by my friend Pam Copeman, who is extremely stylish and pulled together, and who loves paintings of shoes. (I mean we ALL love shoes, right?) I love the contrast between the little fur balls and the satin shoe, throw in a honking big fake diamond - do I hear champagne?


  1. Are they yours? I love them. My ankles finally healed and I can wear sexy shoes again :D
    Love it!

  2. Yes, Mar, they are mine - I'm almost too embarassed to wear them! But they are as fun to wear as they are to paint. :O

  3. The painting is great! Love the composition.
    Why are you embarrassed to wear them? They are stylin'! If I weren't so tall I'd have one in every color.


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