
Sunday, March 11, 2007

Golden Key, Acrylic 5x7

Tried and tried to paint the treasures Tim brought home from a walk on the beach, but nothing was working. So I painted this key I've been saving in a red bowl made from crushed seashells.


  1. Well--this certainly seems to work! I really like the contrast of the yellow key on the red.

  2. and a nice composition.
    I'm feeling a bit behind in my painting a day because there are a few clunkers which are NOT posted!
    But it's wonderful to be engaged in this.
    Hey, Happy Birthday sometime soon?

  3. Thanks, Nancy, Mary! Yes, I'm glad I 'chucked' all those paintings of white seashells, white rocks and whitened lobster claws for this one with color! Thanks for weighing in... and yes, the 'big day' is the 14th - already celebrating!


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