
Thursday, February 1, 2007

The Secret Of Happiness.. 6x6 acrylic

This is a cheat... I tried two paintings yesterday and tossed them both out! This is from the weekend, on a day when I did two, actually. I am one of those people who get all excited about a 'good' fortune, and save them!


  1. I don't care if it's a cheat or not, I really like this one :) I've been checking your blog daily, I really look foward to it.

    Anyway, your paintings are great, I look forward to tomorrow's painting!

  2. Yup, blog cheating is ok. Painting cheating is fine too.
    All that matters is that you're doing it.
    I have held a couple back as well because they aren't up to par in my opinion.
    Great fortune cookie! Great color.

  3. Your blog is really nice and colourful. The paintings are so good
    and I like your profile description.

    Isn't it great to be at an age when you do not mind what others think any more!!


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