
Wednesday, July 4, 2018

3 Little Blue Birds, 6x12, Acrylic by Kelley Carey MacDonald

"3 Little Blue Birds", 6x12 Acrylic by Kelley MacDonald
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I bought these 3 little porcelain birds at Brimfield Antiques Fair a few years ago.  I love the shape of sparrows, and they just make me happy.  I keep them on a window ledge, like they are looking out.  I have painted them individually and together before, and each time I feel I 'know' them better. I also bought a set for a good friend, as we are both so fond of nature, birds and, well, every other animal.  Looking at them brings me peace.  I am sending this peace out to you.  Please be careful and enjoy the 4th of July.

Artist quote: 
"Art attracts us only by what it reveals of our most secret self." - Jean-Luc Godard

And please visit our website about our open Workshop in San Miguel de Allende in late February 2019.  It is a beautiful, peaceful, inspiring place to paint and I would love to share it with you.  Simply click HERE.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Calm Morning In Maine, 8x6 in acrylic by Kelley Carey MacDonald

"Calm Morning In Maine" 8x6 Acrylic by Kelley Carey MacDonald

Our GirlsJustWannaPaint topic for this month was "CALM".  Who can't use some of THAT?  I have photographed this buoy for years at our painting retreat in Maine - something about that orange/pink buoy bobbing gently in the water just does it for me. I really enjoyed doing the 'push and pull' of the lights and darks in the water, and I intentionally abstracted the foliage on the far shore.  
As the 4th of July approaches - I wish for all of you a sense of pride, joy and CALM.  :D

Today my art quote is:
Painting is a language which cannot be replaced by another language.  I don't know what to say about what I paint, really.  - Balthus

To learn more about my upcoming painting workshop I'll be giving in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico in February, 2019, click HERE