
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Path Thru The Dunes 6x8 Oil

If this looks familiar to my friends, it's because it's a 'work-down' (as opposed to a work-up, where you make a small painting larger). I did a bigger, square painting plein air, in acrylics last year. This path is in Westport, MA, at Horse Neck Beach. It was fun to take the design and crystalize it - make it smaller and more poster-like. I actually like the smaller one better. I'll see if I can find an image (or take a picture) of the larger painting so you can see. Yes, I like painting from life better, but sometimes it's about the design, and the texture of the paint (which I am not sure shows up so much in the photo!).

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial, acrylic 11x14

Today's post is actually a larger, plein air piece from last year, done in Cohasset, MA with Paula Villanova and Ros Farbush. It's like a 'hero's field' with a flag for each deceased veteran. I think we need to always honor those who fought for our country, and especially the ones who gave their lives. I always think of the most recent casualties, and how their families must miss them, and how holidays are such poignant times for them. Now, from my age, I also think how many young people go into the service with such high ideals and hope for doing good, and how they learn fast how hard this thing they've chosen to do is. Well, I hope everyone had a good 3 day weekend, too.

And Paco does indeed have his own blog now: Paco's Pugtails... I know, crazy. huh?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

This weekend is the Festival of the Arts - worth going to even if I didn't get into the juried show ;) The art in the show is great, and I do have about 10 pieces in the 'Art Sale' barn. There's music, demo's, high quality crafts, hands-on stuff for kids, and food. Worth the trip if you're in MA, RI or even NH. In Marshfield, off Rte 3A - you'll see the signs.

I didn't do a Daily Painting yesterday or the day before, because I've been working on a fundraiser for the North River Art Society's annual Festival. They gave you a pillowcase (of course I took TWO) and you could do... whatever. Sounded fun, but I'd never decorated a pillow and was waaaay out of my league. I did countless sketches, dyed the pillowcases blue (another first for me) and changed my mind about what to do with them a thousand times. Ended up with a starfish theme.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Yellow Mums, 6x6 Oil


Finally getting back in the grove and able to paint! Yesterday Mary Sheehan Winn and I painted together and she can attest that painting with Paco is no small feat! I was going to wipe this one off, but now, in light of the upcoming Summer shows and Open Studio Tours, I think I'll keep it. I think it's OK, but not wonderful, there's no life to it. You should check out Mary's at her blog, as well, it's far more of what I originally set out to do, and then ended up tight and boring.

Also - if you're on the Cape anytime now through May 31, please stop by the Cape Cod Art Associaiton, where I'm showing some of my Daily Paintings. Yes, they are priced slightly higher than on the blog ($125 and $150), but that's because of the frame. Below is a shot of the main wall.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Long Time Gone....

First of all I want to thank everybody who sent encouraging comments to me - I've been a whole month 'immersed' in the baby dog! Now, I think it's a good investment of my time, since he's going to be my companion for (hopefully) many years, but it's been hard not to paint. It's getting better, and he's a little doll. (**Valerie you were sooooo right!)

This painting is a 6x6 acrylic - my starfish paperweight that I keep on my yellow kitchen windowsill. There are so many layers of greeny blues that I've hesitated to tackle it. As it is, when it was finished my son said "that's great - it looks like I could pick it up!" while my husband said "umm... you can hardly tell what it is...."

Among the things that have kept me away from posting recently is the plethora of Spring juried shows. After 2 total smackdowns of my Big Sky from the Littlest State series, that I'd worked on so hard this winter I think I'm going to NOT enter juried shows for a little while. Take a break. I'm in really good company this year, but still, I think I'd rather just paint for my own sake, and not rely on jurors to affirm my art. We'll see how long this lasts, as I am at heart rather competitve!

More than you need/want to know: last week I saw a Medium, and it was very cool. She said - without prompting - that I must work in a creative field and that I need to try a different direction. I had been thinking earlier that day about the very cool art I've encountered in the blogsphere (you know who you are!) and how I'd love to experiment a little more, like them. For instance - HOW does Manon Doyle (see link to the right) get those loose, lovely ethereal images? Oh, there are so many that I check in on and wistfully linger at! So I'm giving myself not only permission but an order to experiment more and not say 'no' to any new artistic whim. Today I'm painting pillows, and my theme is aquatic (thinking starfish, again)... we'll see....

And Paco needs his own blog, I think.... any thoughts for a title?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Geraniums Waiting, 6x8 oil

Finally today I got to drag out my portable easel and attempt to paint my geraniums that I got this weekend, but can't plant for a few more weeks. I admit it was tough with Paco racing under the easel, pulling on my jeans legs, knocking into the tripod legs and then making off with a brush that fell as a result! So the result isn't as finished as I'd like, but at least I got to paint!

Yesterday was dedicated to dropping off 3 large paintings (the sunsets from my studio blog) at the South Shore Art Center for the Festival Juried Show. I'm not counting on anything there. But Tim helped me carry them in, and so Paco got his first visit to his 'Dad's' office, below. I think he was a 'hit'. Then he went for his first walk on Wollaston Beach in Quincy, MA, and his first lunch at Tony's Clamshack. After we dropped off he had his first ice cream at JJ's Soft Serve, and then saw his first BIG dog (Jack Dicerson's - he lent me a crate for a grown up Paco). So it was a lot of 'firsts' - but no painting yesterday. Tomorrow.......
(Sorry, my laptop is CRAZY these days - it deleted the bottom image, and when I tried to re-insert it - it won't let me move it from the top - so... obviously, the top image is Paco & Tim, the bottom one is the geraniums in the entry....